Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fundraiser Time!!!

I am lucky to be party of a huge family. My DS family has gotten me through a lot in the past year... Worries, struggles with feeding and schedules, etc. Even more important than that, my family is held together by the support of the strongest hands I know. These women will do anything for their family, and for others who are in desperate need of help. Will you help them?

I have jumped on the bandwagon to help fundraising for Max's adoption with Debbie Marks. The average cost for international adoption is $30,000. I know a lot of families are being hit hard by the economy right now, myself included, but if we can rise up together and give in this desperate time of need, we could not only save a life, but help deliver another orphan to his Family. 

Please visit my website if you would like to purchase and help the cause. I will be donating 25% of sales now through April 16th. Use code RRMAX when checking out.

If you would like to donate directly or are interested in other products, please check out Debbie's site for her list of fundraisers. (I especially love THIS fundraiser.)

“We are all pencils in the hand of God.” - Mother Teresa

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I am a stay at home mom. While this is the best job I could have ever asked for, I'm starting to feel it may be a good idea for me to go back to earning some money. I would like to be able to support my family in the event of a crisis, and not to mention the fact that it would be nice to have extra money to spend on Amelia/donate to my passions/live comfortably and not paycheck to paycheck.

All big steps take a lot of courage. This leap is going to be based solely on Faith. I am very scared to make the investment I am about to make. So nervous that I am unable to sleep. After laying here praying to god to help me do what is right, I believe that this is the right choice. I want to be sure that whatever I do in life is not just to benefit myself but many others.

So now I ask myself, isn't this what life is all about? God leads you into a new direction, unable to see the road ahead clearly, but knowing in your heart it is the right choice, you step ahead. When you make a decision to go with His plan it seems every choice you make can reflect right back to this plan, whether intended or not. We are always being watched, whether we realize or not.. It is when we let go of these fears that we enjoy the most precious gifts we have been given.

Amelia's first smiles were my first signs of true happiness.

For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah. 1 Kings 17:16

Friday, February 25, 2011

L is for Love

Tonight I read sad stories about Down Syndrome. Harsh words from a harsh society.... Crimes of sexual assault.. All of these things make me want to scoop up Amelia and squeeze her until her eyes pop out (I will love you and squeeze you forever and ever).. Quickly though, I catch myself and stumble over to Kelle Hampton's blog. Her post about feeding Nella in her car seat during a random road trip brings me back to reality. This very act makes me realize I am NOT alone. It makes me realize that I am not raising a "Down's baby" but just MY baby. Just like everyone else out there with a child will agree, she is perfect to me. It doesn't matter what hardships we may have to endure in our life, I will always love her unconditionally. It is this moment of realization that opens my eyes to the fact that God put me here to do just this, be her mother. It is my job to not only protect her, but to help her grow into a strong smart individual who will change the world one smile at a time.

I love you Amelia.

Monday, February 21, 2011


I always knew when I had a child I would have to paste their naked booty everywhere.

In other news. Amelia is officially pulling up to stand on everything. She started last month, but has mastered this new skill enough to freak me out when I walk in the room and see her trying to escape her crib! I will post pics of this awesome feat soon.