Thursday, December 23, 2010

Stressful times.

I know not a lot of people follow my blog.. or twitter.. or anything really. I still figure I will try to get the word out any way possible. There are a lot of children waiting to find their forever homes, and a lot of momma's trying to help get the job done. I am grateful to know many of these amazing women. Especially Lily's Momma who is donating even though she will not be able to adopt. This is what Christmas is all about. I would give up every single present I may ever receive to see these children find a home. What's 20 dollar's when we spend hundreds on toys alone?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Holiday Cheer.

Let me start off by telling you that my family is not the type to have any sort of tradition, let alone a Christmas one. Last year I was blessed to marry my amazing husband, and to be welcomed into his amazing family.
We attended Vikki's annual cookie exchange last night. I LOVE this party. I look forward to it for weeks!
I don't think the ladies realize how much this event means to me. When you walk into Vikki's it just feels like Home. There are snacks, laughing, people oohing and aahing at Amelia. I get the warm fuzzies just thinking about it!!! I don't care if I receive any sort of gift for Christmas. To me, this party was better than any gift. This party was what Christmas is all about. Sharing, laughing and loving.
It really is the most wonderful time of the year.

This is a terrible picture, but I wanted to give you the idea of how amazing these cookies really are.
Made with love.