Thursday, September 30, 2010

Flight of The Bumblebee

We moved into our apartment when I was 7 months pregnant. We were eager and excited, ready to be on our own. It was a decent size apartment, and we definitely did not have a lot of cool stuff. Our family helped a lot though, and donated a lot of furniture.

Everything about this place seemed great. It was a nice neighborhood. We are close to the elementary school that our Early On services are located at. The neighbors are nice, etc..

Fast forward to summer. We walk onto our patio to find this..

There are thousands of dead bees popping up all summer long. So many that I often find body parts in our carpet. We spoke to the woman in the office, who informed us that this is an endangered honeybee (WHAT?) and they would send a bee keeper to cut a hole in our ceiling and remove them. That was well over two months ago.

Justin decided it would be a good idea to spray the bees, and then leave the can out for evidence. Mr. Bee Keeper himself knocks on my door and informs me that he is going on vacation. I am told when he returns the bee issue will be cleared up. I am then asked to stop spraying them, and the next day the can disappears. That was over two weeks ago.

Yesterday was our therapy day with Vanessa, and since it was so nice we decided to open the door for some fresh air. While playing with my daughter I am pleased to find Mr. Bee Keeper visiting me through the screen door while smoking. He tells Justin (who was nice enough to go outside and talk to him) that he really wants to wait until after winter since there are probably about 100,000 of the little guys in there flying around..... Seriously???? There are 100,000 of them and we are going to let them live there until our lease is up??? Is this even legal??

This just goes to show, you get what you pay for.

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